4 Pics 1 Word All Updates and Changelogs

Here is a recorded history of all the updates for each 4 Pics 1 Word and What’s The Word apps. Dating back to the day of the initial release, this is a complete changelog for the 4 Pics 1 Word games by LOTUM GmbH, RedSpell, Itch Mania, and Emerging Games. You will find details on new levels added to the games, as well as bug fixes and other improvements.

4 pics 1 wordApp: 4 Pics 1 Word
Seller: LOTUM GmbH
Requirements: iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android

App: What’s The Word
Seller: RedSpell
Requirements: iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android

whats the word itch mania
App: 4 Pics 1 Word: What’s The Word
Seller: Itch Mania
Requirements: iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android


  1. By Anonymous on

    In level 892 the answer to the puzzle should be trim but the letters t and m are missing, what do I need to do

  2. By Jeff on

    Level 1636
    6 letters
    Houses close together, a mime, a mason, and a large cathedral .
    Letters: mdciaeajmfef

  3. By Anonymous on

    On 495. A submarine on top of water, frog evolution, chick standing on its hatched shell, and a weed growing on top of cement. 6 letter word, been through all the cheats can’t find it, third letter is an e. bfrmejgeoa are the letters given. I’m stumped can someone help me

  4. By Greig on

    Puzzle1856. Girl holding a clock, clock with ‘time for kids’ on it, ankle collar, pictoon sleeping, 6 letters… Quakcrrkwfce?”

    • By Anonymous on

      i think it is curfew. for 1856 but what about 1855? 4 arsty drwings one of a colorful fish, a colored city scape, a picasso like guy at a microphone with drums in back and a sky pic with a bowling pin shaped house. 6 letters from airvunxctsjb

      • By Quirks on

        the fish, city scape etc the word is” cubist”…took me a long time to figure this one out.

  5. By mikeinaz on

    Stumped on 1673. A pile of folded jeans/ black jeans folded/ red pants on a person/ a male dancer wearing a blue very loose fitting type of pants. Letters are DOVRHSSTUMER. Any ideas?

  6. By keta81 on

    Stuck. The pics are: variety of rice, coffee beans neatly organized and labeled, a set of index tabs, and a labeled board with green tags. 4 letters. Provided letters are: nrpaastradox.

    Thank you

  7. By Anonymous on

    A woman in nude. A can of oil and a caveman and some kind of mill!??? Level 1693. 5letters GTPHIUPDRCEN. been stuck forever!!! Hellllp

  8. By Anonymous on

    I need help I’m on level 1754. It is fox, a guy with dynamite up his shelve, a lady playing poker and a cartoon of two roman (maybe)soldiers pulling an oversized horse